We’d Love to Hear Your Feedback!
Provide your feedback on the current design options with our feedback tool. Both alternatives will be displayed side-by-side so they can be easily compared. Select the Section on which you have any comments or feedback and submit a simple form.
Click here for a tutorial on how to use the feedback tool
Alternative No. 1 has a larger stream corridor footprint that maximizes stream and wetland functions and values and associated co-benefits and includes significant improvements to existing infrastructure.
Alternative No. 2 has a narrower stream corridor footprint that minimizes impacts to existing infrastructure while meeting as many stream and wetland functions and values and associated co-benefits as possible.
If you would like more information regarding the alternatives, please review the recorded meeting below from October 16, 2024.
Virtual Public Meeting
To learn more about the Oxon Run Park and Stream project, recordings from the virtual public meetings are available here: